Saturday, August 27, 2011

Moving On: New Project, New Goal

Out of the blogs and websites that I read, the Digital Photography School is one of my favorites. They provide really useful tutorials, hints, tips and discussions on a pretty much daily basis. They also have a "theme of the week" where you're encouraged to shoot in accordance to the theme and share your work with the rest of the virtual class in a sort of show and tell via Flickr, Twitter and so on.

I haven't been taking photos much lately (for starters, my main lens is on the fritz and I need to take it to a repair shop to be serviced and checked over; work has also had me busy as can be). However, I've really been wanting to get back into the habit of doing so. As such, I'm going to start taking photos again on a more regular basis--even if it is only a few times a week for the time being--to participate in the weekly themes.

I'm also going to get back on the wagon for a similar group I'm in on Facebook.

The themes this week? Doors for the DPS and Light for the Facebook group.

Wish me luck!
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